Updates: November 2021

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"ConveYour November Updates"


Check out the Video Overview!

Here are the updates to ConveYour that have been released in November 2021! Don't have time to read this blog? No worries, the video at the top of this page 👆 is the overview of the content below!

ConveYour Commands

Typing into the ConveYour Commands menuBecause it's so easy for you to create content in ConveYour, you'll find that you're creating more data. And since we're continually adding more features, remembering where things are, and accessing those items can be tricky. So we wanted to give you a centralized way to get around ConveYour quickly and get more work done faster. This is why we created ConveYour Commands.

If you've ever used Slack or Notion, you're likely aware of how to use keyboard shortcuts like cmd+p or cmd+k to browse your content in a unified search. So now in ConveYour, on any page, you can do a unified search by typing cmd+k.

And it isn't just for navigation! It can also be utilized for faster creation of content! Check out what you can do in a Lesson! By typing cmd+k, you can quickly stub out an entire lesson by simply typing "Add" plus whatever content item you want to add! "Add Video" will automatically create a video item; "Add Text" will drop in a text item; and so on. Then use cmd+k to "Save and Test" to deploy your test. Isn't that easy?

Now maybe you're not used hotkeys, that's okay. However, we're convinced that if you begin implementing this feature, you'll see how fast it is, and how much less you will need to use your mouse.


A GIF of contacts being moved from The next thing I want to talk about is 'Boards'. One very common requests from our customers has been to manage a pipeline of recruits, or keep track of their people who are on different stages of their onboarding. This is why we introduced Boards.

And there no need to be intimidated by the interface! If you've ever used Trello, Notion, Hubspot, or another project management tool, you have used this feature (they're commonly called a kanban board). We just call them "Boards" in ConveYour, and they allow you to really quickly view and push people through any of your company processes.

To change the status of contacts, I can just drag and drop people from one status to another. I can also open up their profile by clicking their name and work their profile right there. To learn more about this, check out the video of this new feature.

The most important thing to note is that these boards are only automatically created IF you adjust your settings fields to have dropdown values. Assuming you have the values in place, we're going to automatically create a board for your desired field. For details on how to do this, check out the video at the top of this blog post 👆.

Related Contacts

Opening the The third feature we have for you is a new field type called "Related Contact". This new field type allows you to relate one contact to one or more other contacts.

Why would you want to do this?

You would do this if you wanted to set up a hierarchy (like a supervisor or manager), or if you wanted to link two contacts together (like which rep referred another rep). The great thing is that you can go 25 levels deep!

To get started, you need to do three things:

  1. Set up the "Related Contact" field

  2. Select the "Related Contact"

  3. Create a Group to view the entire "downline/tree"

Set Up the Related Contact

Navigate to "Settings>Fields" and click the plus button to add a field. Under the field Type, selected "Related Contacts". Give it a label and you're done. Now any contact you have can be selected as the Related Contact.

Select the Related Contact

First, you need to navigate to a contact and scroll to and click "Related Contact". Then select the person who is the contact's manager/supervisor (or the other rep who referred this contact). It's important to note that the selected "Related Contact" is the person who is "higher" in the tree.

Create a Group

After you've done this, you can surface these lists in Groups. Do this by creating a group and look for everyone who are descendants of the "Related Contact".  If you do it correctly, when you select a manager, you should see all of his reps, and all the reps that are "downline" from the manager.

Check out the video to see how to do all of this!

Wrapping Up

So those are the three powerful features that we've released in November! If you need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]!