An Introduction and Overview
Introduction to Campaigns in ConveYour, what they are, how they are used
First Steps
Getting started with campaign setup in ConveYour
Adding Campaign Information in ConveYour.
Working with contacts in ConveYour Campaigns
Registration & Confirmations
Setting welcome messaging for campaigns in ConveYour campaigns.
Adding Content and Lessons to your ConveYour Campaign.
Testing Your Course or Campaign
How to test your campaign within ConveYour and from the End-User perspective
Content Scheduling Considerations
How to release or schedule content at the right time in ConveYour.
Embed Methods
Using the embed methods to embed information and forms to invite people to sign up for your ConveYour campaign.
Landing Page
Using a Landing Page to invite participants to sign up for your ConveYour course.
The Hashtag Method
How to sign up for a ConveYour campaign using the hashtag method.
Timing Options
Setting your timing options in ConveYour campaigns.
Learner Portal Setup
Setting up options for what the learners views in their ConveYour portal.
Original Campaign Setup
Basic Campaign or Course Setup for ConveYour using the Campaign Setup Wizard.
Billing options for your ConveYour course or campaign.
Campaigns - Templates
How to reuse campaign logic through campaign templates.
Resetting Content in Campaigns for Participants
How to reset a piece of content for a participant.
Quick Message Blasts to Campaign Members
How to quickly send a blast message to everyone in your ConveYour campaign.
Pause, Play, and Restart Campaigns
How to let your learners pause your course and then resume later. Or give them the option to completely restart your course.
Pre-Launch Checklist
Pre-launch checklist for ConveYour campaigns
Stopping and deleting campaigns in ConveYour
Invite Tools
Learn how to invite people to participate in your ConveYour campaigns.
Default Campaign
How the default community campaign works in ConveYour.
How to Require a Passing Grade
The passing grade required feature in ConveYour
Viewing statistics on ConveYour campaign progress.
Content for Sequencing Learning Programs Using Add to Campaign
Using a ConveYour campaign for sequencing a learning program or series of courses.
Easy SMS Campaigns
Sending a series of automated text messages to your contacts by creating a simple SMS, or text message, campaign.
Sell Your Content
Sell your content easily with ConveYour. Sell courses, challenges, and assessments through one-time fee or subscription.
Cross-selling your Courses
Seamlessly cross-sell and up-sell your courses within $app_name
How do Portal Sections Work?
How portal sections can be used, created, and implemented to create a clean and effective learning experience for learners.