Custom Data Fields

We've gone to great effort to make sure our system works around your workflow and not the other way around. One of the most powerful tools we have is our custom fields system.

With the fields system, you can...

  • Create custom contact fields with different types like number, text, true/false, date, etc.

  • Choose where the field is visible either on the sheet, contact profile, or both.

  • Choose what type of user can edit a field and view your custom field

  • Create a dropdown list of restricted values for easy data entry

Creating Custom Fields

Go to Settings > Fields

The Fields menu in ConveYour.In fields, you will see fields related to:

  • Contact Info

  • Social Media

  • Analytics

Select Contact Info to add parameters related to Contact Data that is important to you.

For example, a public speaker may want to sort contacts by city where the event took place. So when the audience signs up for ConveYour interaction at the event, Event City might be a custom field that audience members fill in city name as text when they sign up. This would allow the speaker to target messaging only those who attended a specific event by location.

In Contact Info, you can create your own custom field. Click on the '+' sign to Add Field:

The Fields menu in ConveYour, with the Add a Contact Field


The display name for the field - what you would see in your spreadsheet, in other words,what would call this data?

Once you add a label for the field, it can not be changed.


This field auto-populates, and reflects the label you select.

Once you name the field, it can not be changed.

Field Type

Choose the type of data you wish to collect in this field. In the scenario of the public speaker, you would choose text - looking for event location by typing in the city where the event took place. Once you have entered the information for this custom field, Click CREATE.

ConveYour's Add Custom Field menu option.configure custom field

Settings for Your Fields

Once you have added the field, navigate to your new field in the list, and click on the settings tool for that field:

Editing the name of a Custom Field.settings for your field

Within your custom field's settings you have many options available to you....

Show in Sheet

Check or uncheck this field to show or hide the field on all contact sheets

Show in Profile

Check or uncheck this field to show or hide the field on all contact profiles

Field Type

Choose the type of data you wish to collect in this field. In the scenario of the public speaker, you would choose text - looking for event location by typing in the city where the event took place.

Editable By

Choose what user roles can edit this field.

  • Admins : only admin users can edit this field.

  • Admins & Guests : Both admin & guest users can edit this field

  • No Editing : No one can edit this field when this option is selected. This is a good setting for fields like company_id or something that never changes.

Visible To

Choose what user roles can view this field. By default all user roles can see all fields. Select "Guests" if you would like guest users to also view this custom field in the database. Uncheck if it's not necessary for Guests.

Dropdown Values

You can make any text or number field a dropdown value list within a contact's profile by adding values within this textbox. It's like making your own drop-down list, with the specific values you want to restrict that field to. For example - if you had priority levels to include (low, medium, high) you can create a custom field called priority, and customize the drop-down list to include low medium and high as choices. (Leave it blank if you do not want to restrict the values.)

Editing a Custom Field in ConveYour.Remember, Custom Fields are just data points that are related to the individual contact. By creating a custom field for all contacts who sign up for your program, you have the power to now send targeted messaging to only those contacts who match this condition, containing this data point using GROUP conditions.

Select "Editable By" to choose who has can view the data in this field. Learn more below:

Giving Guest Users Access To Fields

Learn More


You can differentiate your custom fields from system fields by the "trash can" symbol. Keep in mind that you can't delete system standard fields. You can only delete your custom fields:

Full list of editable contact info in ConveYour.custom fields can be deleted, system fields can not