Add Files

Share Files with Learners

As an instructor, you may need to share workbooks, articles, or images with learners. Using ConveYour’s "Add File" lesson item, you can attach and distribute PDFs, documents, and images within your lessons.

Best File Formats for Learners

  • PDF (Portable Document Format) – Recommended for text-based materials, as it is universally accessible across platforms.

  • JPG (Image Format) – Ideal for visual content, widely supported on most devices.

How to Add a File to a Lesson

Step 1: "Add File" Lesson Item

  • Navigate to Main Menu > Lessons and select an existing Lesson or create a new one.

  • Drag the "Add File" item into your lesson.

Step 2: Configure the File Upload

  • Add introductory text to explain the file’s purpose.

  • Click Add File to browse your local drive and upload the document or image.

Step 3: Placement Options

  • Attach to the previous lesson item for seamless integration.

  • Showcase it separately by selecting "Start of a New Section".

An overview of the engagement formats provided by ConveYour in the Add Files menu of a ConveYour lesson.