Low Cost SMS pricing
SMS Pricing Breakdown
ConveYour offers affordable pay as you go SMS pricing with all of our plans.
Incoming and outgoing SMS text messages are priced per message segment. A message segment costs depend on the account level.
For all plans that include texting as part of the plan, You only pay for what you use ConveYour will keep track of your usage for you and add the usage to your monthly subscription payment.
Long Text messages
ConveYour allows you to send text messages much longer than the 160 character limit just like you do on an iOS or Android device. When sending a text message greater than 160 characters the cost is calculated by splitting the message into 160 character chunks, or segments, then multiplying the segments by the SMS price. Sending a message with emojis can also shorten the segment character count to 70 characters.
We caution anyone against sending long text messages! Nobody wants to receive a long scrolling text message. Be sure to keep messages short and to-the-point.