Custom Email Sender Addresses

Want your email sends to look like they are coming from you and your registered domain (URL)?

Before you can use custom email addresses in the From or Reply-To fields of an email, you must verify they exist and that you control them.

You can add and manage your sender "from" email addresses within settings.

Creating a Sender Address

  • Select Settings from the main menu menu

  • From Settings click "Email Addresses"

  • Click "Add Sender Email Address"

Adding a sender email address in ConveYour.

  • Enter Sender Name and Email when prompted

Setting a sender name and email in ConveYour

  • Begin Email Verification Process

Verifying an email address in ConveYour.Verifying The Sender Email

Verifying an email address is simple. Once you enter your sender name and email when prompted, a verification email is automatically sent to that email address. Check your email, and click the verification link.


You need at least 1 of Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) records. Depending on where you registered the domain name, you will need to setup the DKIM and/or SPF records with them. While only one of these is required, DKIM is preferred, and it's best to have both. I know - SPF always makes me think of Sun Protection Factor. Sigh.

For example, if you registered with GoDaddy you would have a few specific steps in your provider settings in order to get these records added and verified. Learn more here

Why Do I Need This?

In email campaigns or bulk mail sending scenarios - you want to ensure that your emails are being delivered. SPF and DKIM and help you with email validation, ensuring email gets delivered. Essentially, emails are "signed" using our a DKIM signature, and includes Sender ID validation. This allows for email validation and increases your delivery rate.

Getting Values to Set with Your DNS Provider

While working within your DNS service provider to set these records, you will be asked to provide information for each new recors you are creating. You will be asked to provide a hostname, and what type of record you want to add. Then, you will be asked to provide a value. The value is simply a code set of instructions that "explains" to the email client what to do with this incoming mail. We have posted the recommended values to set.

Contact your Domain Hosting provider to learn where you need to enter the SPF and DKIM records ConveYour provides.

How do I get this information?

All you need to do is click on the record you will be setting on the DNS hosting side, and the pop-up displays the value you will need to copy and paste into the 'value' field provided by your DNS host.


Completing the email verification process in ConveYourExample SPF popup information to enter:

Setting SPF Settings in ConveYourOnce you have entered the code into the TXT value field for SPF in your DNS host's settings field, come back here and click "Okay I Did It, Verify!"

Example DKIM popup information to enter:

Setting DKIM settings in ConveYourDon't be intimidated by the long DKIM value set. It's a real doozy! Just be careful to copy it all, and paste it into the TXT value field for the DKIM on your DNS host's value field.

Once you have entered the long code into the TXT value field in your DNS host's settings field, come back here and click "Okay I Did It, Verify!"

Once the email is verified plus the SPF and DKIM records are added and verified, your email setup will show 3 green check marks:

If you need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to us to assist you in getting these records added and verified with your Domain Services Provider.

Using Preferred Sender Addressess

Now, when you schedule email blasts, or create an Email Engagement within your course/campaign - you have the ability to select your email address of choice, instead of the system default address! This will improve deliverability, and reduce SPAM potential.

Using a preferred sender address in ConveYour