Workflows: Best Practices
Best Practices for ConveYour Workflows
1. Plan Ahead
Use a tool like Whimsical (free) to outline your flow before adding content.
2. Keep Your Workflow as Small as Possible
Minimize complexity by structuring workflows efficiently.
3. Test with Short Lessons First
Use short lessons to verify your workflow before adding full-length content.
If a workflow depends on a specific answer in a long lesson, recreate that question as a standalone lesson for easier testing.
4. Define Outcomes for All Paths
For contacts who do not follow the expected path, always set an outcome, such as:
Remove them from the campaign.
Jump them to another branch.
Add them to a group.
Archive or delete them (ConveYour recommends archiving instead of deleting).
5. Set Appropriate Nudge Timings
Nudges should never be set for less than 15 minutes, except when testing.
Important Workflow Rules
Branches off Conditionals always require an outcome.
Every branch after a Wait must have an outcome once the waiting period ends.
The final branch of a Wait is always time-based.
Nudges (on Waits)
nudge.n = Total number of nudges sent.
nudge.ord = Ordinal number of the nudge (e.g., "2nd", "3rd", "4th").
Jumps do not reset completed lessons.
If a learner is jumped back to an earlier point, they will not be re-enrolled in a lesson they have already completed.
Workflow Limitations
You cannot add a "Wait" to:
A Conditional
A Delay
You cannot jump a learner to a lesson they have already completed.
Want to Learn More?
Check out our Workflows: Getting Started guide to quickly set up your first workflow.